The Hacker Perspective

by m0xya

The following post was published in Volume 39/4 of the 2600 magazine…

I have always known from an early age that I was different, that I (as others have so eloquently put it) was “not normal”. My interests from an early age were different to my peers; they were mainly technical in nature. My father was an electronics engineer and the house was always scattered with devices and piles of components. I grew up surrounded by soldering irons, oscilloscopes and bundles of wires.

He also had a garage/workshop where he had a machine shop. He would tinker away rebuilding cars, boats, even an aeroplane at one time. Let me tell you, every house should have a lathe. They come in very handy.

I was always encouraged to have a go at things, to play with the tools and equipment, even when I had no idea what I was doing with them. I was always carefully watched, but I was free to play, free to try things, and to make mistakes. I was lucky enough to have been born before the blight of helicopter parenting, where all risks are mitigated and environments sanitised to keep children safe. It was not that my parents were uncaring; in fact, it was quite the opposite. They understood the need for space to grow and gave it to me in abundance.

This level of freedom was very different when compared to some of my friends and their families, however, for me at the time I did not know any different. Many of my friends had their childhood micro-managed and planned out. I doubt my parents actually knew what they were doing; they were doing what felt right and natural. I was given the space to develop in my own time and in my own way.

One of my very early memories was from Christmas 1981, I was about four years old, and my parents had bought me a Sinclair ZX81, the one that came as a kit and needed assembling. I knew it was from them and not Father Christmas for two reasons; I knew where things were hidden, as I had found the hiding place one day when exploring. Also, receipts were kept on a spike on their desk, and I could read.

So there I am on Christmas morning, surrounded by small bags of components and with a soldering iron in my hand. My father talked me through what each of the components were, and how they worked in very basic terms. I was four after all, and it didn’t make much sense to me, but I knew even then that it was fun and that I wanted to know more. It was my first computer and I had built it myself. I would play on it for hours and hours. Typing in example programs from the manual, making mistakes and trying to work out what had gone wrong. It was my first steps into the world of computing.

In the years that followed, I progressed on to other computers, a Commodore VIC-20, a BBC Micro Model B and a Master 128. Looking back on it, neither of my parents had particularly big incomes and so must have scrimped and saved to buy these for me. In the early 80s there was a big drive by the British government to train the next generation in computing, and thanks to my parents it payed off.

Academically I suppose I was middle of the road, with a “Could do better” being the usual feedback from my teachers. I enjoyed school, with science and maths being my favourite subjects. I was also quite good at art and design. Despite all this, I felt detached from my classmates and teachers. I had a constant sense of alienation, that something was wrong. That same feeling of being different, of not being normal.

Even then, I could see what was happening. We were being taught to pass tests, not to think for ourselves, not to question. We were pegs, slowly forced into the uniformed rack of society. Anyone not quite the right shape would be smoothed out. They would have their rough edges knocked off as they passed through the system. The others, who did not fit in were abandoned.

I managed to get into college and university, however, the system was still the same, you fitted in or you failed. That sense of being different peaked at university. It had a massive impact on my confidence. That daily reminder of not being good enough, of not meeting expectations, of not being like the others, not being normal. It put me off formal education of any type. It was obvious it worked for the majority, but utterly failed others.

I graduated, just. I have never looked back…

It is at this point I must introduce someone else who had a major influence on me. One of my oldest friends lived nearby in a big old house with his parents and three older brothers. It was always a busy and noisy place, with each member trying to outdo the others. In the middle of this whirlwind of chaos was a very quiet man, my friend’s father. He was a medical doctor; however, at the time he ran the medical computing department at Manchester University. He was mildly eccentric and massively into computers. He always reminded me of Doc Brown from Back to the Future.

He was also an amateur radio operator. He had huge antennas hanging off the roof and feeder cables running throughout the house. I would spend countless hours sat on a stool next to him, watching what he was doing. I can still recall the peace and quiet of his room, while from every other direction there was madness and noise. It was an oasis of calm and computers.

You can understand my annoyance then, when at regular intervals my friend or one of his brothers would come rushing into the room saying something like “Come on dad, he doesn’t want you boring him to death”. I would be dragged away to do something else, to play a game or run around making noise. I was not bored, I was enthralled, and when I had the opportunity I would sneak away and head back.

At the time, it did not dawn on me, but my friend and his brothers were revealing more about themselves than they realised. They found what their father was doing to be boring and uninteresting, so therefore, so should I. How wrong they were.

Both of these men, my own father and my friends gave me the opportunity to explore technology without it feeling like a lesson. I could work things out in my own terms and at my own pace. I could try things out and make mistakes.

It was not until I left formal education that I actually started to learn things. I could study what I wanted, how I liked, and in my own way. There were no teaching plans or targets to reach, no exams to pass. Just learning the way it is meant to be. Fun.

From the age of about twenty-one I studied whatever subjects and ideas I wanted to, I read up on massively varied subjects, art, medieval architecture, physics, psychology, anything and everything that interested me. However, there was always one subject which drew me in more than any other, Computer Science.

I had always had a computer of one sort or another, and it had never even dawned on me that I should study it at college and university, something for which I am eternally grateful. My love of the subject would have probably been killed by the formality of education.

You see, I do not learn by rote. I need to understand at a fundamental level what it is I am trying to learn. I am reminded of something Richard Feynman once said. How you can be taught the names of a bird in every possible language, but that you will still not know what the bird is. All you have is its name; your knowledge of the bird is still the same. I need to know more than just the name of a thing.

It is at about this time that I got my first job as a programmer. The interview did not initially go too well. One of the interviewers did not understand how I could do the job without a university degree. He was so blind to the possibility of someone being capable of learning independently that he voted against me. Luckily for me there were others on the panel who did not share his point of view.

I had been able to answer most of their questions. However, the thing that gave me the edge, the thing that tipped the vote in my favour was my ability to draw on other subjects. If I had been formally educated, the path would have been narrow. Learning objective A leads on to B and C etc. During the interview, I had discussed in detail many different technologies and applications. I was not blindly following the path of ABC. I could see connections that were not obvious as I had both a deeper and broader understanding of the subject. I knew more than just the names of things and their order.

This technique of learning has stood me in good stead and I have not stopped in my quest for knowledge, if anything it has accelerated since then. It has been almost twenty years since that first interview. I have moved on, I have never stopped learning new things.

Despite not having any formal education in computer science or engineering, I am currently working as a Senior Security Consultant for a global cyber security company. I am drawing on an eclectic range of skills and knowledge that I gave to myself. This allows me to work on a vast range of jobs, from infrastructure and webapp reviews, to hardware and reverse engineering. I am surrounded by a group of colleagues who all share similar interests and ideas. It is a great mixing pot of knowledge and experience.

Do I still have that sense of being different? Yes

Do I still have that sense of not being good enough? Yes

Let me share with you a little secret. It is the same secret most of my colleagues share but would be unwilling to admit to. That feeling of inadequacy never leaves you, it is always there. It even has a name: “imposter syndrome”.

However, it is how you manage this condition that is important. You could give up and except the fact you don’t know enough. You could pretend to be like everyone else and hide away in the crowd. Keep your head down and let that feeling of resentment grow.

Alternatively, you can use it to your advantage. So what if I don’t know enough? I can learn new things. Thank you for highlighting that gap in my knowledge. Tomorrow I shall come back knowing more than I do today.

I shall finish off by leaving the reader with a few words of advice. Make of them what you will, however, they have served me well.

I forget its origin, however, there is a rule I try to follow: “You should always try to be the person in the room with the least knowledge or experience”

That way, you always have the opportunity to learn from others. If you’re the master holding court with a room of minions, what chance do you have of growing or learning? Yes, it is a great ego booster, but other than that, I see no other benefit.

Try to let go of your ego and let humility be a guiding force. I have noticed as I have aged that being humble opens more doors than it closes. Humility is not to be mistaken as being weak, far from it. The stronger you are the less you have to prove yourself. You also have a greater chance of people opening up to you and sharing, be that experiences or knowledge.

Except the fact that you will never know everything (see humility). It is a thrilling sensation as it means you will never stop learning.

Above all, be yourself. Do not worry what others think of you. Most of the time people are only thinking about themselves, not you.

If you are presented with a problem with no obvious solution, don’t worry about thinking outside the box and making alternative suggestions. That ability to think differently, to step back and see the big picture, to not be normal gives you the edge.

I embrace my difference.


Welcome to my site.. Here you will find a collection of posts following my ongoing attempt to learn new skills. I am by no means a professional, however, by recording my experiences and ideas I hope to help pass on what knowledge I do have.

I am a security consultant by trade and have a background in software development and systems design. However, I have over the last 40+ years learned skills in many other fields. From mechanical and electrical engineering, to cyber security, and even photography.

I hope you find the contents of these pages helpful. If you have any questions, have a suggestion, or find an error anywhere please let me know..

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more…

OK, so I have decided to start yet another ‘project’..! Aside from the ongoing restoration of my old Land Rover (see my earlier posts), I am starting the resurrection of a classic computer, notably a D.E.C. PDP-8 ‘Straight Eight’. It has spent the last twenty plus years gathering dust, mold and rust at the back of a garage owned by a late friend of mine.

Here it is, in all its glory…

As you would probably have guessed, it isn’t in the best of conditions. The casing has several cracks and there are a few missing switches on the control panel. There is also considerable corrosion on the wiring loom and connection blocks.

The damage to the control panel…

The damaged outer casing…

On a plus side, it is complete and I have managed to find a good collection of the original documentation. The memory core is also still tightly sealed, so hopefully that should be in good condition.

The core memory module…

A view from the top…

This will be a slow project, for several reasons:

  • I don’t want to screw it up!! They only made ~1400 of this type and I would hate for there to be one less due to my stupidity.
  • This is a learning project, how better to learn about the inner workings of a computer than by rebuilding one.
  • This particular machine has a good deal of history attached to it (see first point).
  • It belonged to a dear friend of mine and I would like to do him proud…

There will be more to follow soon, plus hopefully a little bit of the back history.

Its Alive!!

It has been a while since the last post (some crazy fool decided to start moving house), busy busy busy…

Anyway, tonight was a major milestone, as I got the engine up and running. And it was surprisingly easy. I had expected problems, as this engine has sat unused for two years. However, I connected the fuel line, filled up the radiator, applied power and it started, instantly..! I was amazed, completely amazed. I thought it would turn over for a few minutes before it decided to cough into life, but not after just one crank. Plus there was very little smoke, which was nice…

Also the new exhaust pipe I made was working well. All in all very pleased.

And so to bed…

Exhausting Work..!

I’m sorry I couldn’t help it… The pun that is… Not the… Err, never mind…

As it is nearing Christmas, my spare time has been eaten into and the time available for frivolous Land Rover work has dwindled. However, I did manage to fabricate a new exhaust pipe. The original one had a few spots of rust and needed a new downpipe to connect to the diesel manifold. I am running the 200Tdi without the turbo fitted as it would have been too powerful, without it, it should provide a similar BHP to a good 2.25 petrol. I decided (as is my way) to build a new one from scratch.

A visit to my local hardware store and I had all the mild steel I needed…

The start of the new downpipe…

I started by cutting a piece of plate steel to match the outlet on the manifold (as can be seen at the top of the picture above). Then I slowly cut and tacked into place the pipe sections, angling them out and under the chassis. One of the things I wanted from the start was a smooth finish. I have seen other similar exhausts where the cuts and joints were welded together and left. Not the best look!

The downpipe fitted…

Once I was happy with the position and placement of the downpipe I continued back to the muffler. I made this from two pieces of box section. On the sides that met I drilled one hundred and twenty 4mm holes to allow the gas to pass through. This is almost exactly the same method used in the original muffler, it is only the external shape that has changed.

The downpipe and muffler…

As you can see I added a joint plate to allow for easy fitting. I also used the original mounting bracket (it lined up perfectly). Because of the increased weight of the muffler I added an additional bracket to the rear. The exhaust is made from steel almost four times the thickness of the original, so it tends to weigh a ‘tad’ more.

The rear support and exit pipe…

It took about ten hours in total to make, it could have been less if I had left the surface weld on the joints. However, I am very pleased with the result. The final thing to do is spray it with high temperature ‘stove’ paint…


The dashboard fitted…

I have also been working on the dashboard and internal parts. It doesn’t look it, but there isn’t that much work left to do. I will not meet my original Christmas deadline, however, I feel confident that I can have it ready by the end of January…


It’ll be done by Christmas… Nearly!

‘Tis the season when all your spare time is taken up by festive things and as a result the time I have spent working on the Land Rover has lessened somewhat. Humbug..! I have excepted the fact that I will not have it back on the by Christmas, however, I am still determined to have it done by the end of January. The show must go on… Never mind that now… Here is where I am currently at:

Bulkhead bolted back on...

It’ll be done by Christmas… Honest!

I have set myself (some may say an insurmountable) challenge of rebuilding my old SIII 109 Land Rover and getting it on the road before Christmas. As you can see from my earlier post, it hasn’t moved in over six years. However, these are minor trifles, so what if the engine hasn’t run in all that time, or that the bodywork has gathered (in some places up to an inch of ) moss. These are problems that can be fixed with enthusiasm, determination and elbow grease.

I had wanted to keep a ‘day-by-day’ or ‘week-by-week’ blog post on how I was progressing, however, time being a luxury it slipped down in my priorities. I shall make up for that with this post.

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly...

The project started properly in early September and the first thing to do was a complete strip down, to see what the damage was and to see what work was needed. I was surprised at how quickly happened! Over a period of two days it went from being 99.9% complete to just a chassis.

The doors have come off...

Floor and seating gone...

I was helped by my friend Jim with the big bits such as the roof, a task that would have been almost impossible if I were working on my own. Thanks Jim..!

Off comes the roof...

It can be difficult sometimes to decide what to take off next. You can get overwhelmed by the scale of it. However, I found that the best approach was to focus on small bits and forget about the rest. Before you know it you are half way…

About half way...

I managed to lift the rear tub off all by myself, something I would not advise to anybody..! It is a two man job at the absolute bare minimum…

Last few items remaining...

It came as a great relief the amount of (or should I say ‘lack of’) rust damage. I had imagined the worst, however, the chassis was in very good condition. The only visible damage was a small patch on the rear cross member (no surprise there I hear you say). It was only a very minor bit of surface rust, nothing a good wire-brush wouldn’t fix.

The only bit of rust to be found on the chassis...

The worst of the rust damage was with the main cross-member on the tub. It was being held together by the rivets. This would need completely replacing.

Main cross-member on tub completely rusted away...

Other than that there were only a few spots of rust on the rest of the body, a little on the door bottoms and the footwells in the bulkhead.

The corrosion damage to the tub caused by the rusted cross-member...

The first bit of restoration was to make a replacement cross-member for the tub. Yes, you can buy them, but that is not my style, plus you can have great fun over engineering it. Here is my version, all made from 4mm mild steel, over twice the thickness of the original part.

OK, so, it is a 'little' over engineered..!

My plan was to upgrade the engine and fit a 200Tdi. I had picked one up from eBay a while back and now was the time to dry-fit it. I still find it amazing how many of the parts from Land Rover are interchangeable, the series gearbox fitted perfectly to the engine (see my post on fitting 200Tdi for more detailed info [link to follow]). I ‘borrowed’ the engine mounts from the 2.25 petrol I had taken out and the engine dropped in without a hitch. It was good to feel I had made a turn and was now starting to put things back on.

The dry-fit of the 200Tdi engine and gearbox...

Next I had to work out how to mount the radiator. The original radiator was damaged and leaked like a sieve. Two brackets mounted on the front chassis cross-member, a plate on the top and we’re good to go (I shall post photos of these when I get the chance).

Positioning the radiator before fabricating the mounts...

The part that was causing me most of my worries was the front axle. One of the main reasons the Land Rover was taken off the road in the first place was the damage caused by the seizing up of the diff, this in turn caused the two half shafts to shear off..! (great fun) Anyway, I found a donor SIII axle (again on eBay) and so took to salvaging the parts needed. A couple of nights later and it is looking as good as new, ready to be put back on. The rear Salisbury axle was still in perfect condition, a few very minor spots of surface rust on the outer casing.

The fully restored front axle ready to be fitted...

Next on my list was the bulkhead. On the whole it wasn’t in too bad a condition, again a few spots of rust here and there. However, I did want to prepare it properly and prevent future rusting, so out came the wire brush and after a good coating of acid-etch primer it was sprayed with several coats of grey primer.

It is important to say at this point that I am not trying to restore this back into showroom condition. All I want to do it put it back as a solid work-horse. So the final finish of the paint is not a major concern of mine. I have had to keep reminding myself of this after spending hours cleaning one small part. If I had the time, then yes, I would spend as long as needed on each and every piece. However, I have set myself the goal of getting it back on the road for Christmas. As long as it looks clean and is in good condition I will be happy..!

The bulkhead all cleaned and primed...

More to follow…

After six years… Movement!!

It has been over six years and my poor old landrover has been patiently waiting for someone to show it a bit of affection. That time has finally come… On Saturday (05/03/2011) I, along with my friends Dave and Jim, started the task of moving my SIII 109″ from its resting place to a new home. Years of growth had to be cut back. The brambles didn’t give up  the fight easily and after three hours of blood, sweat and tears we had access.

After hours of bramble bashing contact is made...

Next came the task of trying to move the beast! There was no way in this world I was going to try starting the engine, even if it did by some miracle jump into life, I didn’t want to risk mechanical damage. As it was unable to move under its own power I was left with two options, push it (yeah good luck with that one!), or pull it out. Dave’s father had kindly offered the use of his Transit, so we hitched up a length of rope and began to pull…

Nothing, except the first tantalising whiff of burning clutch. Hmmm! A mechanical seizure had always been a concern of mine. So out came the block’n’tackle and a length of chain. If we were unable to pull it out, maybe we could drag it out. Luckily my father had (many years ago) fitted a steel gatepost and, as was his way, it had been (slightly) over engineered. You could have moored an oil tanker to it with no problem! It made the ideal anchor point for fitting the lifting gear. After several tugs it was obvious that three of the wheels were rotating freely, one however was locked solid. However, after a little bit of swearing and a few more tugs there was a sudden ‘clunk!’ sound and the rear wheel started to turn. I suspect it was a spot of rust between the brake shoe and drum. I hope that’s all it was! I won’t know until I strip it down.

This sudden freedom of movement allowed us to try the Transit again and other than a little bit of 3-point turning (again, all by hand) we had the lanny on the driveway…

Out of the jungle and onto the open road...

Part 2 – The open road

It was such a relief to see it parked on the road. So many things could have conspired to prevent us getting to this point. It was now a (simple) job of towing the lanny to its new home. And it really was simple! Other than a slight metallic rattle from the gearbox it couldn’t have gone smoother…

The only other bit of hard work was pushing it up the drive and into the garage. Dave volunteered to drive, Jim and I pushed. Five minutes and the job was a good’n!

Now starts the hard part, the strip, clean and assemble…

Now is as good a time as ever…

When trying to think of an opening blog post I must admit to a small amount of writers block. The domain is setup, database created and WordPress installed, I even created 20+ categories, but can I think of a single thing to write? No!

Nevermind, I’ll skip the thinking part and go right to the typing bit, just see what happens. Exciting. So have I made any headway? Maybe… I’ll let you know when I get around to writing my next post.